GGPB N°7/2020: For a More Gender-equal World After Covid-19 Pandemic
Simonetta ZARRILLI, Chief, Trade, Gender and Development Programme, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland , and Mariangela LINOCI, Economic Affairs Officer, Trade, Gender and Development Programme, UNCTAD, Geneva, Switzerland.
“Countries cannot afford to reverse the progress achieved so far in advancing gender equality, hence only if gender equality and women’s empowerment goals are mainstreamed in all policies, possible new heath, environmental or economic crises will not see women bearing a disproportionate burden.”
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About GGPB
The Geneva Global Policy Briefs (GGPB) are a series published by the Centre d’études juridiques européennes (CEJE) of the University of Geneva dealing with all forms of goverance. The series contain pluridisciplinary studies drafted in English, and aim at raising awareness through the fostering of high-quality studies on various issues related to local, national, regional and/or international governance.
The GGPB constitute valuable informative tools, providing all interested persons with the possibility to access analysis and comments on current governance related issues. The Policy Briefs are available in open access on the website of the University of Geneva. The studies published in the series address a large and varied audience consisting of international and regional organisations, governments, NGOs, multinational companies, universities and research centres and the public at large.
The contributors to the series comprise practitioners from international organisations, NGOs , diplomats, and researchers from all around the world dealing with governance. We warmly invite all persons interested in contributing to the series to submit a proposal.